January 1st, 2020
(this is an email I sent to some stakholders for Starter Story)

Happy new year! Usually I send out a monthly report, but for this month, I want to share some of the numbers for 2019, as well as our plans for 2020.


Pageviews: 1,293,529
Unique visitors: 709,605
Total Interviews with founders: 744
Total Mailing list: 10,535
Email newsletters sent: 567,180
Revenue generated: $63,926

Those are just the numbers, there are so many amazing things we did that can't be measured as easily, like building a team, our growth in SEO, and the countless people we inspire every day to start and grow their own businesses.

2020 GOALS

Focusing on 2020, here are our big goals:

1. Increase content output to 180/month by the end of year.

By the end of the year, our goal is to get to 180 interviews/pieces of content per month. Currently, we are doing about 60/month, so that's a marginal increase of 10/month. To do this, we will be adding more people to the team, building more automated ways to publish content, expanding to new content types, and expanding to new business domains/topics/and countries!

2. Reach 500K monthly visitors by the end of the year.

In 2019, we grew from 30K visitors/month to 120K visitors/month, a 4X increase. By the end of the year, I think we can hit the 500K number.

3. Increase revenues to $15K/month by the end of the year.

To do this we will keep working on the premium membership, affiliate revenue, and opening up more opportunities for sponsors.

Those are the big goals! Simple, but lots of work to get there!