February 12th, 2020
Yesterday I had a post hit the front page of Hacker News!

It was awesome - for many reasons - but really terrible for other reasons.

I didn't get much done yesterday other than checking comments, responding to messages, customer inquiries and lots of crap like that. This kind of "online social life" comes at a big cost for me.

When I'm "laying low", I'm crushing it in terms of productivity - shipping big features and staying on top of everything. I rarely check Twitter because there's nothing there.

But being active on Twitter and blogging and making YouTube videos does help my business and helping other entrepreneurs by sharing my story. I'm pretty sure it doesn't make me happier though.

This year, I want to figure out how to balance that. How to stay off Twitter even if I'm getting lots of likes, notifications, etc. I think it's something that comes with practice.

*checks Twitter*