December 18th, 2019
I stumbled on an article on Hacker News today.

It was called "A Failed SaaS Postmortem". As someone who is in the middle of building a SaaS, it sounded interesting so I gave it a click.

I started reading and found that this guy had worked on this project for 3 years. Feels like a long time - one day I'll be there...

Started reading more. All he talked about were his bad technology decisions and the minutiae of different technologies and micro-services.

He admits this was his downfall, but I found it interesting that he never really talked about why it really failed.

Of course, he mentions that it failed because he didn't listen to customers, but it sounded like he didn't even try to get customers. Like, he never made it past the technology struggle. How complex could the technology be that it kept you occupied for 3 years?

I read that article and had somewhat of a sigh of relief. It's hard to imagine giving a single fuck about that kind of thing (technology). 

It actually doesn't make sense to me. I am only interested in using the tools that I'm comfortable with - I have no motivation to even try new technologies. Sometimes I'll get caught up in some gem or library, but then I usually GTFO of there when things get complex.