August 24th, 2020
Apologies if this post comes off braggadocious. It’s just a vibe right now. It comes from a good place. Today is my birthday :)

Over the past few months, I’ve had this really awesome feeling over and over.

I’m not sure how to explain it, but it’s just that life is fucking awesome.

It’s almost a manic feeling, but only the “high” part.

It’s the culmination of so many things. I’ve worked so god-damned hard over the past 12 years to get here. 

I’m blessed to be able to work for myself, on projects that I’m passionate about, people that I love, and be able to set my own schedule.

Financially, I’m in a good place. I understand how to build a business and how to make money. I live in New York City, my favorite place in the world. I have a great circle of friends.

My anxiety has mostly vanished in 2020. Overall, I care less about what people think. I have a lot more confidence.

Most days feel…. nice. The sunny days feel sunnier. Music sounds better. Food tastes better. I’m less judgemental.

I don’t care to tell people about my accomplishments. I don’t flex on social media. I do this shit for myself (for the most part).

The best part is that I can see the rest of my life being like this. I know what I want in life. It’s not money or status, it’s just to be happy and make cool shit and be passionate. To live a fucking full-ass life.

I used to be worried about “losing it all”. But dude!! I have nothing to lose!!!

^^ I think that might be the reason I feel this way.

Take away my money and take away my assets. I’ll be fine. I’ve learned I can be happy with nothing.

I only find happiness in the journey, not in the outcome.

Maybe this is just a moment. Hard times will come. I will become more critical of myself. Everything happens in waves.

But I have to appreciate this moment.