April 25th, 2022
I haven’t gone for a run in over a year. Tennis took over my life.

But this weekend, I ran a half marathon. I flew back home to visit family and run the race with my mom. 

I wasn’t really looking forward to it as it was snowing and raining on the morning of the race, but when I got there, it all changed. I got pumped as hell.

The atmosphere, just like all road races I’ve experienced, was electric. 

I missed that.

I missed being surrounded by thousands of people that all worked their ass off and trained for months leading up - all of us standing in unison at the starting line at 6AM, adrenaline pumping, and freezing our tails off - with the goal of achieving 13.1 or 26.2 miles on our feet.

But even more, I missed what running does to your mind.

Running gives you space to think. Think about your life. Your business. Your goals. Your past. Your future.

There is no other sport like that - where you go out, alone with your thoughts for hours.

I need to be running more. 

My life was better when I was running every day.