July 12th, 2021
Important not to forget about the main goal: 5M visitors/month by the end of the year.

Our other goal is $100k/month by end of the year, but we’d easily hit that with this kind of traffic.

So what’s the only thing in our control? The content and product that we produce. That’s it. That’s where 99% of my focus needs to be.

What is going to get us there? Aggressively scaling our content operation with laser focus.  Doing more than the others. 

That’s it! 

Everything else follows that. Mailing list, subscribers, and ad dollars. They all follow content expansion and growth.

Need to focus on working on the right projects and not working on the wrong projects.

We can’t do everything great. But we can do one thing great and the rest OK. Because the rest can be optimized later.